Art, Landscape, oil painting, Painting, Portland, Urban Landscape

NW 1st and Everett



6″ x 8″ oil on canvas

The thing that drew me to this scene was the circular hole formed by the traffic ramps, and, of course the power lines. I like the patterns created in the sky by power lines.

I was also reminded of this painting by Laine Bennion on his blog Studies in Oil. I like how Laine simplifies a scene and, although I’m satisfied with this painting, I think it could stand more simplification.

I often think, as I finish a painting, that, for the next one, I’m just going to slam it out and not fuss with it at all. That’s how I started on this one, in fact, I taped a larger piece of canvas to a board and started into it. When I felt myself starting to bog down in the details, I started it again in another corner of the same piece of canvas. This is the result of the restart, but it’s still a lot more fussy than I wanted it to be. Of course the subject is kind of busy but all the more reason to simplify it further.


20 thoughts on “NW 1st and Everett”

  1. I’ve been following your blog for a while, but this picture is so good I cannot refrain from telling you so. The subject and use of colours is stunning.


  2. Rene, Thank you very much. I enjoyed visiting your blog. You do beautiful work.

    Lucie, I appreciate your comment. Your paintings are really wonderful.


  3. I really like your city scapes. Whenever I think of painting one, I worry about getting the lines just right with just the right curve and thickness. But you paint them in such an appealing way I can see perfection is not necessary to a very good painting.


  4. Hi Bill!

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

    I like your looseness of painting and in this one the color scheme is quite wonderful. Also the composition where you draw the viewer into the painting.

    Cheers from Vienna.


  5. Bill, It’s a very good thing that perfection is not necessary to produce a decent painting, don’t you agree? Thanks for the continued encouragement.

    Hi Stefan, I apologize for the misspelling, it’s fixed now. I wish I had an umlaut on my keyboard. I appreciate your comment, I always look forward to visiting your blog.


  6. Bill- you did keep it loose and simple by your excellent color usage. This one looks as though it poured right off your brush. It’s just wonderful. That looseness is often ” e-loose-ive “!
    My goal too.


  7. It’s amazing how nice this painting looks…. The subject would probably not inspire most people, but you’ve managed to make it look very appealing! It’s a gift… savore it!

    I LOVE Bonnie’s word…. e-loose-ive…. perfect!!


  8. Bonnie, I’m glad the struggle doesn’t show. It’s funny how much work it takes to make something look like it didn’t take much work.

    Marian, I’m really drawn to urban/industrial scenes. I’m glad you like it.

    Yes, Bonnie is a gem 🙂


  9. I am always amazed by the way you work overhead wires and poles into
    the design–you and Paul Hogarth in his CREATIVE INK DRAWINGS! And I
    always like your palette.


  10. This painting has that quality of mirage, of heat from asphalt bending light, if you get my drift. Not upon close-up, of course, but viewed as it should be viewed. I like this one particularly.


  11. Hi Annie, It’s really nice to hear from you. Thanks for the kind words. I’m not aware of Paul Hogarth, I’ll have to look him up.

    Thanks Celeste!

    Hi Frank, I’m glad you like it.

    Tina, interesting observation. In fact it was rather cold out but I think I know what you mean. Thanks for visiting.


  12. Thank you for the reality check. What my loved ones have been telling me must be true. Time to set the denial aside and trade up the dollar store reading glasses for the real thing. First time viewing yesterday, look forward to coming back.


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