Art, Leslie Robinson Sharp, Life

Grieving – day 14

It’s been two weeks since my dear Leslie died. The days seem almost normal until someone mentions her name or asks how I’m doing. I don’t wake up weeping anymore, it takes me a few minutes for a thought to bring on the tears. Sobbing feels good, when I’m alone but, for some reason, I don’t like to cry in front of others.

I’m looking for silver linings… The car mirrors are always adjusted to my liking now. When I put something down, I know I’ll find it in the same place when I want it. That crazy filing system that Les used can finally be put in something I call order. I’m happy for Les that she won’t have to become really old and doddery and a worry to our children.

I miss her, though.

I have some things to share:

I came across a cassette tape of love songs Les recorded for me for Valentine’s Day in 1983. Nine months later our first daughter, Emily, was born. Les was 31 years old, at the time.

My Funny Valentine – Rogers and Hart

Marie – Randy Newman

Willow – Joan Armatrading

Younger Than Springtime – Rogers and Hammerstein

Our dear friend, Andrea Carlisle, has written two beautiful pieces about Leslie’s death. Below are the links:

What To Take To A Dying Friend



My brother, Jim, Les and me w dogs Timber and Indi circa 1983
My brother, Jim, Les and me w dogs Timber and Indi circa 1983

5 thoughts on “Grieving – day 14”

  1. Bill, I’ve just listened to these recordings of Leslie singing. Also read Andrea’s pieces. I’m reminded of the time Les sang for me and Ray when we were all having dinner downtown. Her voice was impossibly beautiful, so unexpected, so full of heart. What a gift she gave us that night.


  2. Please accept my deepest sympathy. I lost my mother whilst she travelled to South American and I could not get to her in time. The grieve seemed impossible to get over. But the wonderful thing about life is that it does get better with time , about Five years now and I have all the wonderful memories of her to be grateful about.


  3. Marcia, thank you. I couldn’t agree more.

    Saghi. Thank you for your message. I’m sorry you lost your mother so suddenly. I feel fortunate to have had so much time to complete my relationship with my wife. I’m encouraged to know that this becomes more bearable with time.

    Outsideauthority, thank you for your kind words

    Rene, thank you, my friend.


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