Art, Leslie Robinson Sharp, Life, oil painting, Painting, Portland, Urban Landscape

Artwork delivered

I delivered the paintings for my first solo show in many years to Brian Marki Fine Art yesterday.  I have one more piece I’d like to finish for the show, if Brian doesn’t mind hanging a wet painting.

21" x 27" oil on linen panel
“Building a New Life From the Wreckage of My Old Life”
21″ x 27″ oil on linen panel

The image above is the piece I’d like to finish for the show, in it’s current state.  It still seems a little chaotic but that is true to my current experience. I don’t usually put a lot of thought into titles. They’re mainly just for me to keep them straight in my mind but, given recent events, this piece  has begun to occur for me as a view into my life. I need to reconstruct a new life out of what appears to me now as the wreckage of my old life and this painting expresses that for me. It may not be pretty but it holds promise.

I have to say that, in spite of the fact that I’m not often referred to as a real “up” kind of person, I have been surprised at my ability to find positive meaning in my wife’s death.

For one thing, it was such a privilege and relief to be able to see Leslie on to a peaceful and meaningful death. It was the perfect completion of our relationship. Four years ago, when Leslie’s cancer became metastatic, the primary purpose of my life became to see to it that Les was taken care of and had a good death and I lived to fulfill that promise. So many women have to go through this alone. I am grateful that Les was loved and cherished and nurtured and adored to her last minutes. Well beyond her last minutes, in truth.

I have also been overwhelmed with love and support from friends and family. My relationships have been enriched by Les’ passing.  I have made new friends who have made profound contributions to my life.

Leslie continues to nurture me even in death. I was rooting through the freezer and found a treasure. Two containers of Les’ wonderful beef stew.

My stomach and heart are both full of love. I miss Leslie’s physical presence but I feel her with me all the time. I’m a very fortunate man.

11 thoughts on “Artwork delivered”

  1. Congratulations on the show! I resonate with finding parallels between art and ones current state in life. Sounds like your wife would be proud of you and that she is present in your work as well.


  2. Bill…I continue to admire your ability to express yourself so well, in words and also in paint –I love this painting–fresh with feelings of love and hope. I am so glad you are willing to share your feelings with all of us. ..The beef stew is icing on the cake. Wait. what? You know what I mean. Congratulations on this show. I’ll see you there. 🙂


  3. Bill, I am JT’s wife’s brother, Don. I just read your post, “New post on Bill Sharp – paintings”. I was struck by the intensity and depth of color in this latest painting, as well as the depth and soul with which you express yourself in the blog. I didn’t comment immediately upon Leslie’s passing as I hardly know you. But, I have thought of you and wished strength and solace for you, and a comfortable passing for Leslie. I wanted to take a minute to say that your words and works have both given me, and I would think others, inspiration. Keep up the good work, and thank you!


  4. I love the painting you show here. There is an energy and rawness and brilliance to it. Thanks for sharing your experiences through all your turmoil… glad you found strength to go on functioning and producing vital new paintings.


  5. rachwms, thank you. I will try to remember to take some pictures

    Thank you wongcamac and cmartzloff. Les was very encouraging of my work. She was an accomplished artist herself.

    Thanks, Dan. And thanks for being a good sounding board, or viewing board?

    Celeste, thank you for your kind words now and over the past years. I look forward to seeing you at the opening.

    Don, Thank you so much for your heartfelt message. I’m grateful to you for your kind thoughts for Les and me. I hope we meet again soon.

    Hi Marcia. See you soon.

    Thank you, Anita. I really appreciate your message.


  6. Congratulations on the show and much luck, your work is amazing.

    I am so very sorry for the loss of your wife but gleaned much hope and light from your words. I have found that focusing on the positive aspects of such a loss really helps us not only carry on but bring our loved ones with us and you are doing that beautifully.


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